Purpose for Going from 2020 to 2021

Purpose for Going from 2020 to 2021

Having a purpose for going from 2020 to 2021 is the pressing challenge for all of us. We want the passing year to pass and the New Year to be brand spanking new.  It doesn’t happen by simply wishing it, and a lot of people are too tired to make 2021 the best year...
Begin with Eternity in Mind

Begin with Eternity in Mind

Old men think about eternity. It’s a long, infinite time and it’s nothing new for old men to think about it or the afterlife. The ancient Preacher declared. “[God] has also set eternity in their hearts.”(Ecclesiastes 3:11, NIV) The Rev. Samuel Zwemer told a story...
You Irritate Me, Therefore I Exist

You Irritate Me, Therefore I Exist

I watched the movie Defiance last week with my wife. It is based on a true story about an ever-growing group of Belarus Jews who flee from the Germans during World War II. They find refuge in the forest. They got irritated with each other at times under their...
Alone But Not Alone

Alone But Not Alone

After my brother-in-law returned home from twenty days of hospitalized isolation for COVID-19, I asked him, “What would you speak about if you preached a sermon about your experience?”  He replied, “The Holy Spirit.” I asked him to elaborate. He said, “I was alone but...
Speaking Through Short Stories

Speaking Through Short Stories

I take my morning walks along the Florida panhandle at Grayton Beach and Blue Mountain Beach. I do it as early as possible to avoid the larger crowds of beach enthusiasts. A friend of mine suggested I take a plastic bag with me and pick up trash while I walked. I...
Creating a New Shopping Culture in the Pandemic

Creating a New Shopping Culture in the Pandemic

I don’t like the current pandemic as much as anyone else.  It endangers my life and curtails my activities. My wife and I work on the front lines in a hospital and at a grocery store, respectively. It’s been interesting to see my understanding and concern about the...
Living Significantly in a Racial World

Living Significantly in a Racial World

In your opinion what does it mean to live significantly? I will use portions of two poems I’ve penned to describe elements of living significantly. The first poem based on Jesus’ parable in Matthew 25:31-46 is about the separation of the sheep and the goats on...
Get Prepared to Be Enlisted as a Speaker

Get Prepared to Be Enlisted as a Speaker

When did you give your first public speech? Nearly fifty years ago I became a public speaker, not a professional one, but as a result of my high school classmates enlisting me to give one of the two graduate addresses in our June 3, 1970 graduation ceremony. Some...
What Is God Up to in the COVID-19 Pandemic?

What Is God Up to in the COVID-19 Pandemic?

The COVID-19 pandemic raises many questions that stir in us a longing and searching for answers. Why did this happen? What does it mean? What will life be like after it’s over? Will life ever get back to normal? How will this crisis impact the 2020 elections? The...
Strength in the Waiting

Strength in the Waiting

I work at a Publix grocery store during the COVID19 crisis. My coworkers and I are at risk of infection. The rush for supplies emptied shelves and our store limited the number of paper goods and cleaning supplies to two per item and then reduced it to one per item....