My One Word for 2024

My One Word for 2024

Are you a member of the One Word movement? It replaces New Year’s resolutions with a thoughtfully chosen word for the new year. I have used this approach for several years. Last year my one word was Listen. This year, I picked Chosen and I’ll tell you why. My morning...
Diversity’s Bandwagon Hit a Serious Obstacle

Diversity’s Bandwagon Hit a Serious Obstacle

The bandwagon on Diversity’s highway hit a serious obstacle in its forward progress following the outbreak of war. The climate changed immediately in Diversity’s meeting hall. Blinding smoke hid the light of Diversity’s sun. All is not well, and this is not new in the...
Three Strikes and God’s Beautiful Way

Three Strikes and God’s Beautiful Way

‘Three strikes and you’re out’ is a phrase for baseball players and criminals in several states. But it can also refer to failing to get your dream job. Let me explain. Jojo Villa loves basketball. He grew up in the Philippines and played on the high school and...
Discovering the Web of Life

Discovering the Web of Life

Have you walked into a spider web without seeing it? Arms flail to extricate themselves with the many strands of the web covering the face. This has been one of the scariest experiences for me. It’s unexpected. It’s shocking. On the other hand, discovering the web of...
What’s the Fun of Playing an Easy Team?

What’s the Fun of Playing an Easy Team?

Football season has begun for all age groups. Do you follow a football team? What is your favorite team? My two favorite teams are the ones two grandsons are members of in York, Maine. One of the boys suffered an arm bruise in the season’s first game and missed...