Do you read poetry? I do sometimes. Do you write poems? I do sometimes. Many of my poems originated in my daily Bible reading. The following poem is one such example based on two verses in the last book of the New Testament: “To him who loves us and has freed us from our sins by his blood, and has made us a kingdom and priests to serve his God and Father.” (Revelation 1:5b-6 NIV) The theme of the poem is one I try to remember every day because I don’t always feel loved. I’m frustrated today trying to receive email on my iPhone after an upgrade to the newest version of the operating system. I will take a trip to our local AT & T store remembering Jesus Christ’s love. I share it with you to remind you of Christ’s love today.
Whenever It Is Today
I am loved today,
And when tomorrow is today,
I am loved by the One
Who loved me yesterday.
The One who loves me
Loves me whenever it is today.
Do you know this One
Who loves people like me?
Do you know this One
Who loves people like you?
Do you know this One
Who loves people not like us?
He is Jesus who died for us,
The One who from our sins freed us.
He is the One who is alive
From the dead forevermore.
He made us a kingdom,
Priests to his God and Father.
We are loved today.
Because He loves us every day,
We love Him and each other.
His love is our joy and strength today,
To love him with true hearts,
To love each other with pure hearts.
Judson i. Stone
April 1, MMXXI